Andrew Jackson & Battle of New Orleans

"On January 8, 2015, Andrew Jackson's statue will be tipping his hat to those gathering to celebrate his victory. High atop his horse, in the middle of Jackson Square, he will be feted by the US Marine Corp Band and fireworks, all to commemorate his victory over the British."

For more information about the Battle of New Orleans festivities:…/20636583

Joanie on the Pony at the Salon de Jeanne D'Arc

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the gilded statue on Decatur?! I'll be speaking about Joanie on the Pony September 20th at Loyola!

This Saturday I'm going to be talking about Joanie on the Pony at Salon De Jeanne D'arc (!
Where: Loyola University New Orleans Danna Student Center, Audubon Room, 2nd floor.
When: September 20th, 11:45 am - 12:15 pm